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Daniela Zanetta

Lawyer Daniela Zanetta

E-mail:      info@advocat.se
Telephone:    +46 (0)8 791 94 00

Graduate Degree in Law, Stockholm University, 2014


Lawyer Daniela Zanetta works mainly with;

Criminal Action: Assignments as a public defender, counsel for the injured party and special representative for minors.
Asylum, Expulsion and Refugee Cases: assignments as public and private counsel in all types of cases pertaining to these matters.
LVU, LVM, LPT, LRV and LSPV: Public and private counsel in matters relating to the Compulsory Care of Young Persons (Special Provisions) Act (LVU), the Care of Abusers (Special Provisions) Act (LVM), the Compulsory Mental Care Act (LPT), the Act on Coercive Forensic Psychiatric Care (LRV) and the Act on the preparation of psychiatric care in some cases (LSPV).