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Charlie Tvärenvigg


Lawyer Charlie Tvärenvigg

E-mail:      info@advocat.se
Telephone:        +46 (0)8 791 94 00

Graduate Degree in Law 1993
Law Clerk Södertälje District Court 1994–1995
Law firm associate 1995–1998
Started his own law firm on 15 March 1999
(Advokat Charlie Tvärenvigg AB, formerly Stenlund & Partners Advokatfirma AB)


Lawyer Charlie Tvärenvigg works mainly with;

Criminal Action: Assignments as a public and private defender for all kinds of criminal cases, including juvenile cases and economic crime, counsel for the injured party, as well as special representative for minors.


Charlie Tvärenvigg i

– The Supreme Court 3, NJA 2009 p. 485, meting out of punishment: Link
– The Supreme Court 4, NJA 2009 N 43 Gross procedural error Svea Court of Appeal
– The Supreme Court 4, Office of the Chancellor of Justice to the Disciplinary Board:
– The Supreme Court 5: The Mephedrone Case NJA 2012 p. 650: Link
– Guiding rulings Svea Court of Appeal: Alcohol smuggling: RH
– Dagens Nyheter debate:  Link
– Unlawful entrapment: Link